

We are excited to announce the establishment of the Windsor Allied Health Assessment Centre (WAHAC).

The WAHAC will be situated at both our Riverside Practice (1 Windsor Drive, Riverside, TAS, 7250) and our new office at The Door Of Hope (50 Glen Dhu St, South Launceston, TAS, 7249).

The WAHAC will aim to provide psychological/ speech/ occupational assessments for children struggling with a wide range of developmental difficulties. The WAHAC was founded in response to the high demand in our community for psychological assessments.  Windsor Allied Health recently recruited and appointed multiple new psychologists to address this need.

The WAHAC offers quality and affordable assessments; these assessments include (but are not limited to):

  • Cognitive Assessments (Including Giftedness and Intellectual Disability)
  • Academic Assessments (Specific LearningDifficulties)
  • ADHD Assessments
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessments
  • Anxiety and Mood Disorder Assessments
  • Trauma and Attachment Related Assessments
  • Speech and Language Assessments
  • Developmental/ Educational Assessment
  • Career Guidance
  • Sensory Assessments
  • Behavioural Assessments (Including Oppositional Defiantand Conduct Disorder)
  • Neuropsychological Assessments
  • Personality Assessments
  • Adaptive Functioning Assessments
  • Bariatric Surgery Assessments (Adults)

Three easy steps to assessment: 1-2-3

Step 1.

Your assessment journey begins with an Initial Consult. This session will help your clinician to decide on the best assessment route for your child.  Based on the information received during the initial consult, including the referral information received, an assessment process might be recommended.  The process will be outlined in a document called the “First Assessment Proposal”. This document will outline the first group of suitable assessments (called broadband assessments) needed to answer the referral question or might be suitable to help understand the presenting concerns better.  The assessment proposal will also outline the cost associated with the broadband assessments.

Step 2.

The next phase is the Broadband Assessment Phase.  This is a screening phase and involves broadband screening tools, which are tools with high sensitivity.   The screening tools cover a broad spectrum of possible emotional and developmental problem areas.  The results of these tests then guide the clinician to use more specific assessment tools (narrowband assessments) targeting the problem areas identified by the broadband screening tools.  Should the broadbandscreening results suggest further assessment, we will inform you at your next session.  Should you decide to do the narrowband assessment through WAH, a new (second) assessment proposal will be drafted.  The assessment proposal will outline the cost associated with the narrowband assessment.

Step 3.

The last phase is the Narrowband Assessment Phase. This phase is designed to target a specific diagnosis.  This step is informed by the Broadband Assessment Results. The Narrowband results also informs a structured intervention plan which will be drafted based on all assessment results.  This step often involves the use of specific psychometric tools and clinical diagnostic interviews.  You will receive a report outlining the assessment results with a treatment plan included.  We will also provide you with feedback at your next session after the completion of the assessment.  

If you would like to meet with a psychologist to discuss an assessment for you or your child please contact us on (03) 63275701 or email us at

The three steps in short:

  • Initial Contact
  • Screening
  • Clinical Diagnostic Assessment - Report - Feedback